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Worker Appointment Letter And Service Book - Labour Law 2006

Worker Appointment Letter And Service Book - Labour Law 2006 : শ্রমীকগনের নিয়োগ পএ এবং র্সাভিস বই।

No employer shall employ any worker without giving such worker a letter of appointment and every such employed worker shall be provided with an identity card with photograph.

Service Book :

(1) Every employer shall, at his own cost, provide a service book for every worker employed by him.
(2) Such service book shall be kept in the custody of the employer.
(3) Before employing a worker, the employer shall require from him the previous service book if
the worker claims that he has been previously in employment under any other employer.
(4) If such worker has any service book, it shall be handed over to the new employer by him and
shall be kept in the custody of the employer, for which a receipt shall be given to him.
5) If such worker has no service book, a service book shall be provided under sub-section (1)
(6) If the worker desires to keep and maintain a duplicate copy of his service book, he may do it at
his own cost.
(7) The employer shall hand over the service book to the worker on the termination of the workers’
service with him.
(8) If the service book handed over to the worker or the duplicate thereof maintained by him is lost
by the worker, the employer shall provide him with a duplicate service book at the cost of the
(9) Nothing in this section shall apply to an apprentice, badli or casual worker.”

Form of service Book :

(1) The service book shall be of such size and in such form as may be prescribed and photograph of the worker shall be affixed to it.
(2) The service book shall contain the following particulars, namely:
  • (a) name of the worker, name of mother and father and address of the worker, (in appropriate case name of husband/ wife shall be written)
  • (b) date of birth,
  • (c) particulars necessary for identification,
  • (d) name and address of the employer under whom previously employed, if any,
  • (e) period of employment,
  • (f) occupation or designation,
  • (g) wages and allowance, if any,
  • (h) leave availed, and
  • (i) conduct of the worker.

Entries in the service book :

The employer shall at the commencement of the employment and during the continuance of the same, make such entries therein from time to this as are required by this chapter and the Rules and both the employer and the worker shall sign the entries as they are made.

Sample Joining Letter  :


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