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Welfare Officer Responsibility and conditions Under Labour Rules - 2015

Welfare Officer Responsibility and conditions Under Labour Rules - 2015 

Welfare officer: As per Section 89(8), if the number of employees in any institute is 500 or more and if the number of workers in a Tea Garden is 500 or more, there must be an able Welfare Officer.

However, if the number of employees exceeds 2000, one additional Welfare Officer must be recruited for every additional fraction.

The following responsibilities are assigned upon the Welfare Officer:

a) Encouraging the formation of different unions, joint manufacturing committees, co-operative society and welfare committee of the workers and supervising their activities;

b) Observing different facilities including, canteen, waiting room, childcare center, adequate number of toilets and latrines, drinking water etc.

c) Helping the workers for having leaves granted with salary facilities and informing the workers about all kinds of leaves and other relevant regulations;

d) Observing all kinds of labor facilities including, house financing, foods, recreational and social facilities in all co-operative societies, arrangement of health and hygiene maintenance, educational facilities of children of the workers;

e) Trying to improve the works and standard of living of the workers and recommending for their welfare and benevolence;

f) Providing advice to the respective authority for arranging training for the new workers, developing the standard of education of the workers and encouraging them to be enrolled in technical institutes and helping them to receive approval for doing the same;

g) Providing necessary help and advice to the workers and the Management Authority in order to implement the regulations of the institute.

h) Maintaining contact with the medical officers and the authority of the factory/institute to provide better treatment facilities to the workers;

i) Taking steps for the development of worker-owner relationship.

j) Having discussion between the representative of the workers and the Owner Party about the conditions of service/labor contract.

k) Taking steps rapidly for reconciliation if there happens to be disagreement between the Owner and the workers.

l) Hearing the statements of the workers and helping the Owner and the workers in order to remove the difference of opinions between the two parties;

m) Notifying to the authority for speedy disposal of the objections that the workers have individually or collectively.

n) Making connections and arranging dialogue between the parties for maintaining co-operative relationship between the Owner and the workers.

The Welfare Officer should have following conditions:

a) At least honors degree and relevant training and expertise in the field of labor and industrial setting.

b) Expertise in respect of labor law, industrial relationship and disposal of complaints.

The Manager or the Owner of the business institute must inform the Inspector General or the Inspector authorized by him/her in written form about the recruitment of Welfare Officer or about his/her termination from the post within 15 days. In case of termination from the post, the vacancy must be filled up as soon as possible.

The authority shall provide all kinds of help and support to the Welfare Officer to execute the responsibilities detailed in Sub-section (2).


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