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Factory Health And Hygiene Policy - Bangladesh Labour Law 2006

Factory Health And Hygiene Policy - Bangladesh Labour Law 2006

According to the Bangladesh Labour Act 2006 there are some Procedure of factory health & hygiene policy, such as follows.

  • 1.Cleanliness:
  • 2.Ventilation and temperature
  • 3.Dust and fume
  • 4.Disposal of wastes and effluents
  • 5.Artificial humidification
  • 6.Overcrowding
  • 7.Lighting
  • 8.Drinking water
  • 9.Latrines and urinals
  • 10.Dust bean and spittoon  

Every establishment shall be kept clean and free from effluvia arising from any drain, privy or other nuisance, and in particular-
(a) accumulation of dirt and refuge shall be removed daily by sweeping or by any other effective method from the floors and benches of work-rooms and from staircases and passage and disposed of in a suitable manner;
(b) the floor of every work-room shall be cleaned at least once in every week by washing, using disinfectant where necessary or by some other effective method;
(c) where the floor is liable to become wet in the course of any manufacturing process to such extent as is capable of being drained, effective means of drainage shall be provided and maintained;
(d) all inside walls and partitions, all ceilings, or tops of rooms, and walls, side and tops or passages an staircases shall-
(i) where they are painted or varnished, be repainted or re varnished at least once in every three years,
(ii) where they are painted or varnished and have smooth imperious surface, be cleaned at least once
in every fourteenth months, by such methods as may be prescribed,
(iii) in any other case, be kept white-washed or color-washed and the white-washing or color-washing shall be carried out at least once in every fourteen months; and (e) the date on which the processes required by clause (d) are carried out shall be entered in the prescribed register.

2.Ventilation and temperature : 
(1) Effective and suitable provisions shall be made in every
establishment for securing and maintaining in every work-room adequate ventilation by the
circulation of fresh air;
(2) such temperature as will secure to workers therein reasonable conditions of comfort and prevent injury to health.
(3) the walls and roofs, as required by sub-section (2), shall be of such material and so designed that
such temperature shall not be exceeded but kept as low as practicable;
(4) where the nature of the work carried on in the establishment involves, or is likely to involve, the
production of excessively high temperature, such adequate measures as are practicable, shall be taken to protect the workers there from by separating the process which produces such temperature from the work-room by insulation the hot parts or by other effective means.
(5) If it appears to the government that in any establishment or class or description of establishments excessively high temperature can be reduced by such methods as white-washing, spraying or insulating and screening outside walls or roofs or windows or by raising the level of the roof, or by insulating the roof either by an air space and double roof or by the use of insulating roof materials, or by other methods, it may prescribe such of those or those or other methods to be adopted in the establishment.

3.Dust and fume : 
(1) In every establishment in which, by reason of any manufacturing process carried on, there is given off any dust or fume or other impurity of such a nature and to such an extent as is likely to be injurious or offensive to the workers employed therein, effective measures shall be taken to prevent its accumulation in any work-room and it inhalation by workers, and if any exhaust appliance is necessary for this purpose, it shall he applied as near as possible to the point of origin of the dust, fume or other impurity, and such point shall be enclosed so far as possible.
(2) In any establishment no stationary internal combustion engine shall be operated unless the exhaust is conducted into open air, and no internal combustion engine shall be operated in any room unless effective measures have been taken to prevent such accumulation of fumes there from as are likely to be injurious to the workers employed in the work-room.

4.Disposal of wastes and effluents : Effective arrangements shall be made in every establishment for disposal of wastes and effluents due to the manufacturing process carried on therein.

5.Artificial humidification : 
(1) In any establishment in which the humidity of the air is artificially increased, the water used for the purpose shall be taken from a public supply, or other source of drinking water, or shall be effectively purified before it is so used.
(2) If it appears to an Inspector that the water used in an establishment for increasing humidity which is required to be effectively purified under sub-section (1) is not effectively purified, he may serve on the employer of the establishment an order in writing, specifying the measures which, in his opinion, should be adopted, and requiring them to be carried out before a specified date.

(1) No work-room in any establishment shall be overcrowded to an extent injurious to the health of the workers employed therein.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of sub-section (1), there shall be provided for every worker employed in a work-room at least 9.5 cubic metre of space in the establishment. Explanation : For the purpose of this sub-section no account shall be taken of a space which is more than 4.25 metre above the level of the floor of the room.
(3) If the chief Inspector by order in writing so requires, there shall be posted in each work-room of an establishment a notice specifying the maximum number of workers who may, in compliance with the provisions of this section, be employed in the room.
(4) The chief Inspector may, by order in writing, exempt, subject to such conditions as he may think
fit to impose, any work-room from the provisions of this section if he is satisfied that compliance therewith in respect of such room is not necessary for the purpose of health f the workers employed

7.Lighting : 
(1) In every part of an establishment where workers are working or passing, there shall be provided and maintained sufficient and suitable lighting, natural or artificial, or both.
(2) In every establishment all glazed windows and skylights used for the lighting of the work-room shall be kept clean on both the outer and inner surfaces and free from obstruction as far as possible.
(3) In every establishment effective provisions shall, so far as in practicable, be made for the prevention of-
(a) glare either directly from any surface of light or by reflection from or polished surface, and
(b) the formation of shadows to such an extent as to cause eye strain or risk of accident to any

8.Drinking water : 
(1) In every establishment effective arrangement shall be made to provide and maintain at a suitable point conveniently situated for all workers employed therein, a sufficient supply of wholesome drinking water.
(2) All such points where water is supplied shall be legibly marked ‘Drinking water’ in Bangla.
(3) In every establishment wherein two hundred fifty or more workers are ordinarily employed, provision shall be made for cooling the drinking water during the hot weather by effective means and for distribution thereof.
(4) Where dehydration occurs in the body of workers due to work near machineries creation excessive heat, there workers shall be provided with oral re-hydration therapy.

9.Latrines and urinals : 
In every establishment-
(a) sufficient latrines and urinals of prescribed types shall be provided conveniently situated and accessible to workers at all times while they are in the establishment.
(b) such latrines and urinals shall be provided separately for male and female workers;
(c) such latrines and urinals shall be adequately lighted and ventilated;
(d) all such latrines and urinals shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times with suitable detergents and disinfectants.

10.Dust bean and spittoon : 
(1) In every establishment there shall be provided, at convenient places, sufficient number of dust beans and spittoons which shall be maintained in a clean and hygienic condition.
(2) No person shall throw any dirt or spit within the premises of an establishment except in the dust beans and spittoons provided for the purpose.
(3) A notice containing this provision and the penalty for its violation shall be prominently displayed at suitable places in the premises.

Bangla Translation :


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