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Classification of workers and period probation in Bangladesh Under Labour Act 2006

 Classification of workers and period probation in Bangladesh Under Labour Act 2006 :

There are six classification Workers following classes according to the nature and condition of work, namely





5. Probationer

6. Permanent

1. Apprentice A worker shall be called an apprentice if he is employed in an establishment as a learner, and is paid an allowance during the period of his training.

2. Badli : A worker shall be called a badli if he is employed in an establishment in the post of a permanent worker or of a probationer during the period who is temporarily absent.

3. Casual :  A worker shall be called a casual worker if his employment in an establishment is of casual nature.

4.Temporar : A worker shall be called a temporary worker if he is employed in an establishment for work which is essentially of temporary nature, and is likely to be finished within a limited period.

5. Probationer : A worker shall be called a probationer if he is provisionally employed in an establishment to fill a permanent vacancy in a post and has not completed the period of his probation in the establishment.

6. Permanent :  A worker shall be called a permanent worker if he is employed in an establishment on a permanent basis or if he has satisfactory completed the period of his probation in the establishment.

Some Important Note for  Probationer Workers 

The period of probation for a worker whose function is of clerical nature shall be six months and for other workers such period shall be three month. 

Provided that in the case of a skilled worker, the period of probation may be extended by an additional period of three months if, for any circumstances, it has not been possible to determine the quality of his work within the first three months’ period of his probation.

If any worker, whose service has been terminated during his probationary period, including the extended period, is again appointed by the same employer within a period of three years, he shall, unless appointed on a permanent basis, be deemed to a probationer and the period or periods of his earlier probation shall be counted for determining his total period of probation.

If a permanent worker is employed as a probationer in a new post, he may at any time during the probationary period, be reverted to his old permanent post.

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